
I'm awesome.

Reading progress update: I've read 40%.

Speaker for the Dead (Ender's Saga, #2) - Orson Scott Card

Reading progress update: I've read 245 out of 480 pages.

Making Money (Discworld, #36) - Terry Pratchett

Reading progress update: I've read 130 out of 487 pages.

Divergent  - Veronica Roth

Reading progress update: I've read 565 out of 704 pages.

NOS4R2 - Joe Hill
The giveaway i was excited for turned up today
The giveaway i was excited for turned up today
October's giveaways
October's giveaways

One of the books I won last week turned up.


Today, I went a little bit overboard with buying books. I'm meant to be on a spending ban, but Howl's Moving Castle was £1.99, The Borgias was 99p, and The Final Empire was £2.49, and a book I've been meaning to buy for ages.


I'm still reading The Hobbit, and I've got a good chunk of that done today, so hopefully I'll be done with that in a few days, then I can either start on something new, or maybe finally finish Dead City, who knows?

My plan for tonight.
My plan for tonight.

Most recent purchase.


I own The Flowing Queen and The Stone Light already, but it's the only way I could find The Glass Word.

My plan for today
My plan for today

Today, I'm planning to finish this book. I love it, but I need to finish some of my other books.


Currently reading

Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales
H.P. Lovecraft, Les Edwards, Stephen Jones
Battle Royale
Koushun Takami
Progress: 283/617 pages